Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Power of "The Ask"

Just when he was ready to pack it in... quit the group.
Just when he felt he had nothing to offer...
questioned why he'd joined in the first place, he asked us,
"Should I even be in this group, what do I have to offer?"

His humbleness told me we had the right guy leading the group.
I rallied to his side. You have something I want...
the ability to be vulnerable... the ability to risk...
the ability to ask. I was impressed with his bravery.

There is huge power in "The Ask", and I am learning
to ask in every aspect of my life. At work I ask a collegue
"what skills do I have that can benefit this project?",
I ask another "Can you help me with this powerpoint presentation?"
In my personal life I ask a friend "can you help me organize
my basement?"

In his book The Success Principles: How to Get from Where
You Are to Where You Want to Be
, Jack Canfield talks about
"The Ask". In his chapter Ask! Ask! Ask! Jack says, "You have nothing
to lose and everything to gain by asking. To be successful you have
to take risks, and one of the risks is the willingness to risk rejection."

The old saying goes "Don't ask if you're afraid of the answer"
I guess I was always afraid of the answer.

There is a feeling of exhileration and hopefulness when I do
"The Ask". And I'm learning that people like to be asked.
People like to contribute, teach and support others. Like the thrill
of finding a Purie on the ground while collecting marbels as a kid,
I am now revelling in the joy of collecting yes-es to my asks.

Since I have been doing "The Ask" (five months now), I have not been
turned down once. Am I taking advantage of asking? Definetly not.
I treat it like special underwear that I only take out for special occassions.

Start asking today. Tell me how you make out with "The Ask."