Sunday, April 15, 2007

Writing is Hard

Some days it's easier to write than others...

Not only The Crux, but several writing jobs I am working on. I finished one and it was tough. It was sell copy written for a shopping mall leasing team. Client loved it. I was pleased with a good feeling of accomplishment. I need to bask in that feeling more. My writing partner is teaching me a great deal.

I should be working on a press release right now, but instead have just woken up from a long afternoon nap. This past week I felt like I was running a marathon. Work full time. Freelance full time. I'm exhausted.

Looking at the blank page of a writing job is much like when I was a junior designer looking at the blank page. I know now, from my 15 years of experience as a designer, I just need a process. I know the writing is good.

Love to hear your process.


krisluvswool said...

My process? I feel like my process changes every time I sit down to write something. I would say the only thing that's consistent in my writing strategy is that I switch back and forth between writing by hand and writing on the computer when I'm feeling stuck. There's something about physically writing that seems to get the ideas flowing.

Caroline said...

Good Advice on process. Although it's strange... when I write by hand, I get something rather poetic. When I write by computer my writing seems more analytical and reporter-like.

For instance check out my March entry called Monkey - written by hand, compared to March entry England Comes to Canada - written on computer... hmmm maybe I do have a process or at least a tool. Thanks for your input!

P.S Nice sweater.
