Sunday, April 1, 2007

Canadians are Stupid for Maple

Canadians are stupid for maple.
Tim Horton's advertising tells us so.
Canadians donned in toques, iceskates,
Hand-knit sweaters; (always winter
when we want maple) doing nonsensical
acts in the name of maple.

Am I supposed to know something
about maple syrup?
Can you believe it's made from
tree sap? Why isn't it green, sour?
Why aren't ants, dog-paddling through it?

Do they?

Why does Winnie the Pooh
eat honey from a tree?
Why not maple syrup?
After all he was named for the
Canadian City Winnipeg.

What do you do with maple syrup?
Pancakes and... ?
Canadian Marketer of the Year: Tim Horton's.

1 comment:

Yogamum said...

I love maple frosting on anything. Or pork tenderloin marinated in maple syrup and lime juice.

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